10-MINUTE WORKOUT TO LOSE BELLY FAT FOR KIDS & BEGINNERS with tags workout for kids and beginners, workout to lose belly fat, belly fat loss, simple exercises to lose belly fat, lose belly fat, belly fat, belly fat burner for kids, abs exercise, abs workout, exercise to lose belly fat, fat burning exercise, fat burning workout, kids exercise, kids workout, exercise for kids, exercise for beginners, workout for kids, workout for beginners, at home exercise, at home workout, little sports
Today's exercise focuses on losing belly fat, a simple and fun way to help kids get in shape and avoid future health problems. This is an easy workout suitable for all fitness levels, so even if your kids are beginners, they'll be able to complete the routine.
In this quick and fun workout, we've prepared a set of easy exercises that will help kids burn calories and target the abdominal muscles in particular. Belly fat loss occurs when the body burns more calories during exercise than the amount ingested. Recent studies have indicated that visceral fat may be linked to a decrease in cognitive performance in kids and these layers of fat can be extremely dangerous for their health as they grow up, so it's very important that they get rid of them by exercising every day!
This routine has been created for kids and beginners to burn off all that stubborn, unhealthy belly fat that won't go away. I can promise you that, with this routine, your little ones will have a super flat belly in no time! Let's get the kids and start this new workout! 💪
00:00 Body Rotations
00:28 Rest
00:47 Diagonal Abs Right
01:16 Rest
01:34 Hip Swirls
01:59 Rest
02:18 Knee Drive
02:39 Rest
02:57 High Step March
03:20 Rest
03:47 Body Rotations
04:15 Rest
04:34 Diagonal Abs Left
05:03 Rest
05:21 Diagonal Abs Right
05:50 Rest
06:09 High Step March
06:29 Rest
06:48 Hip Swirls
07:10 Rest
07:28 Knee Drive
07:47 Rest
08:14 Heel Touch
08:34 Rest
08:52 Plank
09:22 Rest
09:40 Reach Through