Stay at home with Om Nom: Home activities

Stay at home with Om Nom: Home activities with tags cut the rope, om nom, kids, learning, stay at home, om nom stories, learn english with om nom, stay at home, дома вместе, cooking, nibble nom, om nelle, video blog, cake, candy, sweet, cute, pizza, easter, chocolate, eggs, cream, time travel, home activities
There is a bunch of easy and fun activities to enjoy alone or with the whole family. Take a look at Om Nom's list:1. Arts & Crafts. Time to get creative! Take out all your stationery items, pick a tutorial and create a masterpiece!2. Magic tricks. Learn a few tricks and impress your family members! Start with cards and maybe one day you will pull a rabbit out of your hat!3. Learn a dance. There are many funny dances and cool dance moves that you can look up online. Learn them to become the star of any party!4. Karaoke night. In case you don't have microphones at home, you can always use brushes and sing along to your favourite songs.5. Ahoy, pirates! Try to speak like a pirate for the whole day - it's not so easy! A black hat and a patch on one eye will definitely help ;)6. Home theatre. Dress up as your favourite cartoon characters, write a scenario and perform in front of the whole family!7. Hide & Seek. This fun active game will for sure keep you occupied for quite some time! You can also turn it into a treasure hunt :)8. Sports. It's a good idea to stay fit and healthy, so look up a sports routine that you could do at home and try to do it for 30 days straight!9. Sort old photos. It doesn't matter what you choose - a photo gallery on your phone or a good old photo album, there's plenty of memories to go through!#StayAtHome #OmNom #HomeActivities