Spending Too Much Time On Your Phone? | What If You Stopped Going Outside? | Dr. Binocs Show

Spending Too Much Time On Your Phone? | What If You Stopped Going Outside? | Dr. Binocs Show with tags what happens if we never go outside, what if you stopped going outside, vitamin d sunlight, benefits of going outside, benefits of vitamin d, what would happen if you stopped going outside, outdoor depression, outdoor therapy, how to cure depression, how to cure anxiety, nature anxiety, nature depression, outdoors, importance of sunlight, importance of outdoor games, importance of outdoor activities, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz, sunlight, vitamin d, uvb rays, nature cure
Nature can help decrease your anxiety levels and can help lessen stress and feelings of anger. Exercise can also help this, but it's even better when you're outside. Regular access to green spaces has been linked to lower risks of depression and improved concentration and attention. Stopping outdoor activities and remaining indoors for extended periods can significantly impact your physical and mental health.
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