Can't Smell Anything? | What if You Lost Your Sense of Smell? | What is Anosmia? | Dr. Binocs Show


Can't Smell Anything? | What if You Lost Your Sense of Smell? | What is Anosmia? | Dr. Binocs Show with tags can't smell anything, when you can't smell anything, loss of smell, what to do if you lost your sense of smell, what if you lost your sense of smell, what is anosmia, anosmia, sense of smell, how do you smell, lost your sense of smell, how smell works, how do we smell, olfactory system, how does the sense of smell work, how do we smell animation, how smell sensor works, human body systems, peekaboo kidz, dr binocs show, nose, anosmia treatment, anosmia symptoms, dr binocs

A person's sense of smell is driven by certain processes. First, a molecule released from a substance (such as fragrance from a flower) must stimulate special nerve cells (called olfactory cells) found high up in the nose. These nerve cells then send information to the brain, where the specific smell is identified. Anything that interferes with these processes, such as nasal congestion, nasal blockage, or damage to the nerve cells themselves, can lead to loss of smell.

Losing your sense of smell, also known as anosmia, can be temporary or permanent. It can be caused by a number of things, including colds, sinus infections, allergies, or other health conditions.

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