Deadliest Shark Mystery | Why No Aquarium Has a Great White Shark? | Ocean Predator | Dr Binocs Show

Deadliest Shark Mystery | Why No Aquarium Has a Great White Shark? | Ocean Predator | Dr Binocs Show with tags what happened to the great whites we put in aquariums, white shark, great white shark aquarium, shark, deadliest shark mystery, why no aquarium has a great white shark, ocean predator, whale shark in aquarium, mythbusters great white shark, why no aquarium in the world has a great white shark, shark mystery, shark in captivity, great white sharks in captivity, great white shark in fish tank, why don't great white sharks survive in captivity, white shark aquarium, deadliest shark
The great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) is one of the most well-known and powerful predators in the ocean. Great whites are open-ocean predators that travel thousands of miles. Even the largest aquarium tanks can't provide enough space for their natural movement. In captivity, they often injure themselves by bumping into walls.
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