The World’s Most Dangerous Bird - The Cassowary | Modern Day Dinosaurs | The Dr. Binocs Show


The World’s Most Dangerous Bird - The Cassowary | Modern Day Dinosaurs | The Dr. Binocs Show with tags extreme birds attack, aggressive birds, deadly birds, the cassowary, cassowary the deadliest bird, cassowary the most dangerous bird in the world, cassowary the most dangerous bird, how powerful is a cassowary kick, why is a cassowary a dinosaur, how fast can a cassowary run, cassowary, cassowaries, southern cassowary, the cassowary bird, peekaboo kidz, cassowary dinosaur, cassowary egg, cassowary story, cassowary cartoon, world's deadliest bird, cassowary species, dr binocs

The cassowary is a large, flightless bird native to the tropical forests of New Guinea, northern Australia, and nearby islands. Known for its striking appearance and fascinating characteristics, the cassowary is both beautiful and potentially dangerous.

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