Are Wasp Stings Dangerous? | What if a Wasp Stings You? | How to Treat a Wasp Sting? | Dr. Binocs

Are Wasp Stings Dangerous? | What if a Wasp Stings You? | How to Treat a Wasp Sting? | Dr. Binocs with tags wasp sting, wasp, sting, are wasp stings dangerous, wasp sting animation, wasp sting vs bee sting, wasp sting removal, wasp sting treatment, what if a wasp stings you, what to do when a wasp stings you, what happens if a wasp stings you, asian giant hornet, the yellow jacket, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz, most dangerous sting, world's deadliest sting, wasp sting allergic reaction, wasp sting infection, is wasp bite harmful, how painful is a wasp sting, learn about wasps, kids
Wasp stings are a common, yet painful problem. There are many species of wasp, the most common being yellow jackets and hornets. Wasps attack when the nest is disturbed and can sting repeatedly. The stings typically cause pain and swelling around the area of the attack. In some cases serious allergic reactions may occur that can be fatal.
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