Banana Phone By Raffi and More Toddler Songs


Banana Phone By Raffi and More Toddler Songs with tags banana phone, banana phone raffi, banana phone by raffi, bananaphone, toddler songs, raffi songs, raffi banana song, banana song, songs by raffi, raffi, banana songs, songs for babies, songs for toddlers, preschool songs, songs for preschoolers, kindergarteners, baby beluga, toddler music, toddler music class, baby music, preschool music, music and movement, preschool movement songs, preschool music class, music class for kids, kids music, kids songs, movement songs

Our Banana Phone by Raffi music video and more toddler songs mix is here! We hope you enjoy it. These songs are great for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners and older kids enjoy them as well! We included a lot of music and movement songs with actions, gestures and dance moves!

On our YouTube page we also have full music classes (Rachel has a masters in music education) speech practice videos and our preschool learning videos series, Preschool for Littles. You can also join us live on Facebook for live lessons that correspond with this series!

Songs included in this mix are:

Banana Phone by Raffi - Banana-phone

Over The Deep Blue Sea


1-20 by Aron

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom We’re Going To The Moon

Goin’ To The Beach - by Aron

Icky Sticky Bubble Gum

Train Song by Jules

Caterpillar Song by Aron

Down by The Bay by Raffi

Hokey Pokey

5 Little Fishies Swimming in the Sea

Crabby Crab by Jules

Old McDonald

Sleeping Bunnies

5 Rockin’ Guitars by Jules

Bubble, Bubble Pop

Mr Golden Sun

If All The Raindrops

Where is Thumbkin?

Baby Beluga by Raffi

The More We Get Together

We love making videos of kids songs, movement songs, preschool songs, songs with actions, songs with gestures, finger plays and music and movement to keep babies, toddlers and children engaged, learning, dancing and having fun!

#bananaphone #bananaphonebyraffi #bananaphoneraffi

"Georgie" puppet Copyright 2016 - David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master's in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

♥︎ Visit our website
