Sink or Float for Kids and More Preschool Songs, Learning and Movement - Science Experiment for Kids


Sink or Float for Kids and More Preschool Songs, Learning and Movement - Science Experiment for Kids with tags sink or float for kids, sink or float for preschool, sink or float, float or sink, science experiment for kids, sink or float blippi, preschool songs, preschool learning, movement songs for preschool, learn at home, preschool learning videos, toddler learning videos, toddler videos, videos for toddlers, toddler learning, sink or float preschool, sink or float lesson, toddler, toddler music, float or sink for kids, sink or float for toddlers, preschool science, preschool, baby

A Sink or Float for kids lesson and more preschool songs, learning and movement! This is a great science experiment to do with kids! You can learn at home with Ms Rachel and friends in our educational preschool videos. Rachel has a masters in music education.

Also included in this video are many wonderful preschool songs that encourage movement, language and fun! Ms Rachel also uses toys to encourage language, learning and pretend play. Ms Rachel loves creating educational videos for toddlers, preschoolers and babies. We have full preschool classes, music classes, baby sign language and speech practice videos on our YouTube page!

#sinkorfloat #sinkorfloatforkids #scienceexperimentforkids #preschoolsongs #preschoolvideos #preschoollearningvideos #preschoolmovementsongs

"Georgie" puppet Copyright 2016 - David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master's in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!