Kids Dance Songs with Movement - Whip Your Tail Like A Dinosaur - Brain Breaks - Join the challenge


Kids Dance Songs with Movement - Whip Your Tail Like A Dinosaur - Brain Breaks - Join the challenge with tags kids dance songs, kids songs with movement, brain breaks, kids songs, action songs, songs with action, whip your tail, can you whip your tail, like a dinosaur, dance-a-long, dinosaur stomp, brain break, go noodle, hip hop, whip your tail challenge, songs with actions, dinosaur songs, dinosaur song, dance song, kids hip hop, kids exercise songs, childrens songs, educational songs, preschool songs, whip, tiktok dance dance, dance challenge, dinosaur tail challenge, toddlers

A mix of kids dance songs with movement featuring “Whip Your Tail Like a Dinosaur” and the #whipyourtailchallenge. Great brain breaks at school! We would love to see how you whip your tail like a dinosaur to this awesome hip hop song! Share your videos with this hashtag and we may feature you on a Songs for Littles Preschool episode! (With your permission of course!) We hope you enjoy dancing to these fun movement songs for kids and action songs for kids with fun actions! The movements and actions are fun and promote excercise, language and fun! We hope you enjoy stomping like a dinosaur and seeing how loud you can stomp to the music and dance-a-long with us! You can even dress up like a dinosaur!

"Georgie" puppet Copyright 2016 - David Fino & The Brooklyn Puppet Conspiracy. Used with Permission.

“Whip You Tail (Like A Dinosaur)

Now available on all streaming platforms!

Composer: IG @ReekRhythm

A Rhythm By ReekRhythm, LLC

Lyrics by Rachel Griffin Accurso and ReekRhythm


Can you whip you your tail like a dinosaur

Whip, whip

Can you whip you your tail like a dinosaur

Whip, whip

Come on everybody get on the floor

And let me hear that ferocious roar

Can you whip your tail like a dinosaur

Can you reach up to the sky

Grab a leaf in the tree so high

Jump, jump, jump, jump

Reach, reach, reach, reach

Can you stomp, stomp, stomp

on the ground, on the group so loud

on the ground so loud

Stomp, stomp, stomp

On the ground so loud

Can you stomp so loud, can you stomp on the ground

These dance songs are wonderful for babies, toddlers, children in preschool and even older kids and adults! Preschoolers love moving to music and learning through music! Kids love to dance-a-long with groups of friends and their teachers!

Kids songs with movement are great for brain breaks, exercise, circle time and music classes!

Below is a list of children’s dance songs included in this video in order for you to refer to!

On our preschool learning channel you will also find full preschool classes, music classes and speech practice videos!

Here is a list of other songs seen in this video for your reference

Whip Your Tail (Like A Dinosaur)

Icky Sticky Bubble Gum

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom We’re Going To The Moon

Hokey Poky

Hurry, Hurry Drive The Fire Truck

Hop Little Bunnies

Train Song by Jules

If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands

Crabby Crab

Wind the Bobbin Up

Pop Goes The Weasel

Once I Caught A Fish Alive

The Fish In The Sea Go Swim, Swim, Swim

Apple Tree Song - Way Up High In The Tree

Itsy Bitsy Spider

1, 2 Buckle My Shoe

The Wheels On The Bus


Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Bubble, Bubble Pop

Mary Had A Little Lamb

5 Little Ducks

Hickory Dickory Dock

The More We Get Together

Bumping Up And Down in My Little Red Wagon

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around

5 Little Fishies Swimming In The Sear

Open Shut Them

1-20 Numbers Song and Dance

Animal Finger Family

The Ants Go Marching One by One

I’m A Little Teapot

Jump Like A Froggy

This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine

Rain, Rain, Go Away

I’m Bringing Home A Baby Bumble Bee

Here We Go Looby Loo

I Had A Little Turtle, His Name Was Tiny Tim

5 Little Monkeys Swinging on a Tree

Miss Polly Had A Dolly

Fly, Fly Like A Butterfly

Good-Bye Song

#kidsdancesongs #kidssongswithmovement #brainbreaks #kidssongs #actionsongs #dancealong

Rachel teaches preschool music to young kids, toddlers, and babies and has a master's in music education from NYU. She has also been a toddler teacher and has a sweet 2-year-old boy who inspired her online baby music classes and learning videos!

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