Walking Can Be Fun Movement Songs For Kids Action Songs Brain Breaks by The Learning Station

Walking Can Be Fun Movement Songs For Kids Action Songs Brain Breaks by The Learning Station with tags walking can be fun, robot walk, tightrope walking, ballerina, ballerina dance, elephant walk, dog walk, puddle walking, brain breaks, brain break, kids songs, songs for kids
Walking like a robot, stepping over puddles, balancing on a tightrope, climbing up on your toes, pounding your feet like an elephant and moving on all fours like a dog is fun. Join in and walk with us!
You can get Walking Can Be Fun on Children Love To Sing and Dance in full CD Download here:
Walking Can Be Fun ℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Walking can be fun.
There is no need to run.
It’s neat to move our feet
and get into the beat. Let’s walk...
Now class, take a giant step.
Don’t let your feet get wet.
Stretch your legs out wide
and move from side to side.
Let’s puddle walk...don’t splash me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
your attention to the center ring.
Walking in a row,
your heel to your toe.
Hold your arms out straight
to balance all your weight.
Do the tightrope.... don’t fall.
Now we weigh a ton.
So pound your feet in fun.
An elephant moves real slow.
We’re in a circus show.
Do the elephant walk.
Climb up on your toes.
Make a graceful pose.
Step with lots of grace,
a smile on your face.
We’re ballerinas.
Now we need four feet.
To dog walk to this beat.
So get down on your knees
and shake off all your fleas.
Do the dog walk.... woof, woof.
Walking can be fun.
There is no need to run.
It’s neat to move our feet
and get into the beat.
Let’s walk..
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#walkingcanbefun #walkingsong #thelearningstation #robotsong #brainbreaks #tightropewalkingforkids
#ballerinaforkids #elephantwalk #dogwalksong #puddlewalk
#educationalsongs #kidssongs #childrenssongs
#learningstation #actionsongs #sillysongs