Reading Is Fun ♫ Reading Books ♫ Kids Learning ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station
Reading Is Fun ♫ Reading Books ♫ Kids Learning ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags reading books, reading is fun, songs about books
Reading is fun and reading books is a way to learn about the world. Read!
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Reading Is Fun
by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Books books books
Read a book because reading is fun
Books books books
Read that book until your reading is done
You can read about cats
You can read about dogs
You can read about a princess and a frog
You can read about the winter
You can read about the fall
You can read about Cinderella’s ball
You can read about the color yellow
You can read about things colored blue
You can read about a tuba or a cello
You can read about a woman in a shoe
Books books books
Read a book because reading is fun
Books books books
Read that book until your reading is done
You can read about trucks
You can read about cars
You can read where the wild things are
You can read about this
You can read about that
You can read about the cat in the hat
You can read about chickens and cows
You can read about a sheep or a lamb
You can read about snow blowers or plows
And you can read about green eggs and ham
Books books books
Read a book because reading is fun
Books books books
Read that book until your reading is done
You can read about trees
You can read about twigs
And you can read about the three little pigs
You can read McDonald’s Farm
Or the little train that could
And you can read about Little Red Riding Hood
You can read about Aesop’s Fables
And you can read about circles and squares
You can read about horses and stables
And you can read Goldilocks and three bears
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