Rock Paper Scissors ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Hand Jive ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Rock Paper Scissors ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Hand Jive ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags brain breaks, the learning station, action songs for children, brain break, brain breaks in the classroom, kids songs, songs for kids, brain breaks for children, music for kids, brain breaks for kids, kids music, brain breaks for preschoolers, song for kids, childrens music, children’s music, brain breaks by the learning station, the learning station brain breaks, brain break song, brain break movement activity, brain breaks in the classroom for kindergarten

Don Monopoli, sings, Rock, paper, scissors, hand jives, chants and fun movements make up this kid's song that can be a brain break or used for eye-hand coordination.

The Learning Station on TikTok here:

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Rock, Paper, Scissors

By The Learning Station (Also, known as Leaning Station)

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station/Bailey (All rights reserved)


Rock, yeah, Paper, yeah, Scissors, yeah. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, yeah, Paper, yeah, Scissors, yeah. Rock, Paper, Scissors

Doing the hand jive everywhere, doing the hand jive if you dare.

Make your fingers come alive. Hold them up and now high five.

High five. High five. High five. High five.

Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate?

Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate?

Doing the hand jive everywhere, doing the hand jive if you dare.

Make your fingers come alive. Hold them up and now high five.

High five. High five. High five. High five.

One potato, two potato, three potato, four

Five potato, six potato, we want more!

One potato, two potato, three potato, four

Five potato, six potato, we want more!

Doing the hand jive everywhere, doing the hand jive if you dare.

Make your fingers come alive. Hold them up and now high five.

High five. High five. High five. High five.

Tic, tac, toe, clapping in a row.

Tic, tac, toe, let’s hear you holler YO! YO!

Tic, tac, toe, clapping in a row.

Tic, tac, toe, let’s hear you holler YO! YO!

Doing the hand jive everywhere, doing the hand jive if you dare.

Make your fingers come alive. Hold them up and now high five.

High five. High five. High five. High five.

Go fish, go fish, go fish, catch a big one.

Go fish, go fish, go fish, reel it in.

Go fish, go fish, go fish, catch a big one.

Go fish, go fish, go fish, reel it in.

Doing the hand jive everywhere, doing the hand jive if you dare.

Make your fingers come alive. Hold them up and now high five.

High five. High five. High five. High five.

High five. High five. High five. High five.




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#ToddlerSongs #kidssongs #childrenssongs

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