Now Were Dancing ♫ Dancing Song For Children ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Now Were Dancing ♫ Dancing Song For Children ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, dancing songs, dancing songs for kids, dance the learning station, the learning station dance songs, kids songs, songs for kids, brain break, brain breaks, brain breaks for children, song for kids, brain breaks in the classroom, brain breaks for kindergarten, music for kids, childrens music, brain breaks dance, kids music, action songs for children, dance songs for kids, kids dance song, children songs, action songs for kids, childrens dance songs

This dancing song for children teaches kids timeless dances from the past.

The Learning Station on Apple Music here:

The Learning Station on TikTok here:

Now We're Dancing (New Version)

by The Learning Station

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station


We’re going to do some dances today.

And all you got to do is to follow me and do what I do.

Are you ready? Here we go!

Swim to the right.

Swim to the left.

Swim in the middle but don’t you get wet.

We’re doing the swim. Jump in.

Hold your nose. We’re going under.

Now do the backstroke. Hmm hmm

Here’s another dance we could try.

And all you got to do is to twist with your hips.

Are you ready? It goes like this.

Twist your hips high. Twist your hips low.

Twist them in the middle

And twist them in a row.

We’re doing the twist. I like it like this.

Keep twisting, lower, lower,

Now up, that’s it, the twist.

Here’s another dance we could try.

And I feel like getting funky.

Get down and do the monkey.

Fist over fist, just like this.

Now we’re getting funky.

Get down and do the monkey.

Do it fast. It’s a blast.

Dancing, and now we’re dancing.

Arms out to the side, you got two wings.

It’s a dance they call the fly.

What fun it brings! It’s a crazy thing.

The fly, my my my.

Do the fly. Oh, yeah.

Flap those wings. We’re taking off now!

Do the mashed potatoes, a dance that can’t be beat

You know it is the greatest, mashing your feet

The mashed potatoes. It’s the greatest! The latest.

The mashed potatoes, now mash.

Do the swim. Do the twist. Do the monkey.

Do the fly. Mashed potatoes! Wow!

Dancing, and now we’re dancing, woo ooh.




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