Happy Dance With Don ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Movement Song ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Happy Dance With Don ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Movement Song ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, brain breaks, kids songs, songs for kids, brain break, brain breaks for children, happy dance song, happy dance for kids, happy dance learning station, brain breaks for kids, action songs, song for kids, children’s music, childrens music, action songs for kids, children songs, songs for preschoolers, dance song for children, brain breaks elementary, songs by the learning station, kids music videos, classroom brain breaks, kids dance song

This brain breaks, movement song with Don is a Happy Dance kids song and one of many by The Learning Station.

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Happy Dance

By The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station)

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved)


Stand up! Feel the beat! And let’s do the happy dance!

I’m so happy that’s why I clap my hands, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I twist my hips, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I march in place, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I wave my arms, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

Happy is a feeling I like to feel (oh, yeah) and I like to spread it too. (oh, yeah)

I’m happy just to be here singing this song (oh, yeah) and dancing along with you. (oh, yeah)

Dance your happy up. Dance your happy down.

Dance your happy side to side and dance it all around.

Dance your happy up. Dance your happy down.

Dance your happy side to side and dance it all around.

I’m so happy that’s why I clap my hands, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I twist my hips, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I march in place, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I wave my arms, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

Happy is a feeling I like to feel (oh, yeah) and I like to spread it too. (oh, yeah)

I’m happy just to be here singing this song (oh, yeah) and dancing along with you. (oh, yeah)

Dance your happy up. Dance your happy down.

Dance your happy side to side and dance it all around.

Dance your happy up. Dance your happy down.

Dance your happy side to side and dance it all around.

I’m so happy that’s why I clap my hands, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I twist my hips, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I march in place, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

I’m so happy that’s why I wave my arms, because I’m feeling happy. (feeling happy)

Happy is a feeling I like to feel (oh, yeah) and I like to spread it too. (oh, yeah)

I’m happy just to be here singing this song (oh, yeah) and dancing along with you. (oh, yeah)

Dance your happy up. Dance your happy down.

Dance your happy side to side and dance it all around.

Dance your happy up. Dance your happy down.

Dance your happy side to side and dance it all around.

oh, yeah

oh, yeah

oh, yeah


Google+: google.com/+Learningstationmusic


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#learningstation #learningstationmusic #thelearningstationbrainbreaks #movement #songsforpreschoolers, #bythelearningstationbrainbreaks