Clothes Song ♫ Dress Up ♫ Choose Clothes ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Clothes Song ♫ Dress Up ♫ Choose Clothes ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags #clothes for kids, clothes song
Dress up and choose clothes to wear today and everyday. So many choices!
The Learning Station on Apple Music here:
The Learning Station on TikTok here:
Clothes Song
by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Clothes, clothes who really knows
what you'll wear today?
So many choices just like the many voices
choosing their words they say.
It could be shorts. You're dressed for sports
or are you in a play?
And then you'd dress up in a costume
or in so many ways.
Clothes, clothes who really knows
what you'll wear today?
So many choices just like the many voices
choosing their words they say.
If it's cold you might be bold
and dress in many layers
with cotton, fleece and warm sheep's wool
to watch the football players.
Clothes, clothes who really knows
what you'll wear today?
So many choices just like the many voices
choosing their words they say.
If you dress up in your Sunday best
and you feel all shiny and clean.
In your favorite colors, it’s anyone’s guess
like any and all colors between.
Clothes, clothes who really knows
what you'll wear today?
So many choices just like the many voices
choosing their words they say.
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