Brand New Day ♫ Science Songs ♫ Weather Song For Kids by The Learning Station


Brand New Day ♫ Science Songs ♫ Weather Song For Kids by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, kids songs, songs for kids, science song for kids, kids song, the learning station songs, learning station songs, good morning song for children, good morning song for kids, good morning song for preschool, educational song, science song the learning station, song for kids, seasons of the year, weather song, good morning music for kids, greetings song learning station

This weather song for kids teaches them that every brand new day brings brand new weather. It's a fun science song that with a positive concept.

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Brand New Day

By The Learning Station (Also, known as Leaning Station)

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved)


When the sun is out and its beams are shining and it is bright as can be.

The sun eventually sets and goes down past the horizon at least that’s what you can see.

When you wake up the next morning and look outside, everything’s okay.

Cause it’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day.

Well, sometimes it rains and there are cloudy skies and everything around is wet.

If you’ve got an umbrella you can play in the puddles. It could be the best time yet.

When you wake up the next morning and look outside, everything’s okay.

Cause it’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day.

Sometimes it’s windy and sometimes it’s not and somedays it’s quite a mix.

But whatever it was and whatever it is you can always depend on this.

When you wake up the next morning and look outside, everything’s okay.

Cause it’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day.

Well, some days it’s foggy and somedays it drizzles and some days might just have mist.

At least it’s not raining. There should be no complaining. You can always depend on this.

When you wake up the next morning and look outside, everything’s okay.

Cause it’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day.

Well, some days it’s cold and some days it’s chilly and some days you might get snow.

But if you dress right, you could play until night. There is one thing that you always should know.

When you wake up the next morning and look outside, everything’s okay.

Cause it’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day.

It’s a brand new day. It’s a brand new day.




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