Gallop ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Physical Education ♫ Exercise ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Gallop ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Physical Education ♫ Exercise ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags brain breaks, the learning station, brain break, brain breaks for kids, brain breaks for children, brain breaks in the classroom, brain breaks for kindergarten, action songs for children, kids songs, songs for kids, action songs, classroom brain breaks, song for kids, movement songs for children, exercise songs for kids, children songs, exercise song for kids, songs by the learning station, brain breaks for preschoolers, action songs for kids, exercise for kids

Gallop is an exercise and element of physical education classes. It's a fun brain break and kid's song that uses imagination and the action of a horse.

The Learning Station on TikTok here:


by The Learning Station ℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station


“Alright, we’re all all going to pretend that we’re riding on a horse. We’re going to gallop.”

We don’t have a horse, but we can gallop of course.

We can open barn doors, eat the hay off the floors. We never get bored.

When there’s nothing to do, well we still gallop and hoot.

And we hope it’s with you, yodeladeehoo.

Yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo. (Dum dee deeda background repeated)

You might think it’s strange, we don’t have homes on the range.

And we still gallop of course, with our imaginary horse.

It still clump, clump, clumps. It still clip, clip, clips. (Dum dee deeda background repeated)

It still clop, clop, clops and it clip, clop, clips.

When there’s nothing to do, we still gallop and hoot. (Dum dee deeda background repeated)

And we hope it’s with you, yodeladeehoo.

Yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo.

We don’t have a horse, but we can gallop of course.

We can open barn doors, eat the hay off the floors. We never get bored.

When there’s nothing to do, we still gallop and hoot. (Dum dee deeda background repeated)

And we hope it’s with you, yodeladeehoo.

Yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo, yodeladeehoo.

That’s the story, it’s true. It’s fun to gallop with you.

And we still gallop of course, with our imaginary horse.



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