Snow Song ♫ What Is Snow? ♫ Flurries? What's a Blizzard? ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Snow Song ♫ What Is Snow? ♫ Flurries? What's a Blizzard? ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags winter songs for kids, winter song, song for kids, snowflakes song, brain breaks, winter songs for children, preschool songs, winter songs, winter song for kids, songs for kids, for kids, preschool songs for circle time, songs for kids to sing, songs for kids lyrics, songs for children to sing, for kids song english, for kids only, snowflake song for kids, snowflake song learning station, snowflake song lyrics

What is snow, flurries, and what's a blizzard are all answered in this song.

The Learning Station on Apple Music here:

The Learning Station on TikTok here:

Snow Song

by The Learning Station

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station


What is snow? Where will it blow?

When it melts where does it go?

Snow is light and mostly white

It’s moisture from the sky in flight.

Each flake is different on its own

You’d never know by what is shown

Flakes all seem to look the same

Imagine if they all had names

Blizzards are when snow falls hard

It covers trees and roads and cars

But when it flurries it’s hardly felt

And when it’s warm it starts to melt

Into the earth snow’s water flows

It’s easy come and easy go. Snow.

What is snow? Where will it blow?

When it melts where does it go?

Snow is light and mostly white

It’s moisture from the sky in flight.

Each flake is different on its own

You’d never know by what is shown

Flakes all seem to look the same

Imagine if they all had names

Blizzards are when snow falls hard

It covers trees and roads and cars

But when it flurries it’s hardly felt

And when it’s warm it starts to melt

Into the earth snow’s water flows

It’s easy come and easy go. Snow



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