Herman the Worm & More ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Action Songs for Kids ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Herman the Worm & More ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Action Songs for Kids ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, brain breaks, brain breaks for children, brain breaks for kids, kids songs, brain breaks in the classroom, brain break, songs for kids, brain breaks for kindergarten, action songs for children, kids music, music for kids, herman the worm song, herman the worm, brain breaks for preschoolers, action songs for kids, action songs, children’s music, brain breaks for preschool, children songs, the learning station songs, the learning station brain breaks

Enjoy The Learning Station's animated brain breaks and action songs for kids including Herman the Worm, The Cat Came Back, Octopus Song, Five Little Monkeys, Penguin Song, The Farmer in the Dell, and Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.

The Learning Station on TikTok here: www.tiktok.com/@learningstationmusic

All other songs on these videos can be found in at least one of three ways on our website, www.learningstationmusic.com, full CD download, CD, or single song download.

All songs and videos by The Learning Station® ℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)

0:07 Herman the Worm

3:00 The Cat Came Back

6:16 Octopus Song

8:30 Five little Monkeys

10:55 Penguin Song

13:10 The Farmer in the Dell

14:32 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep


Google+: google.com/+Learningstationmusic

#HermanTheWorm #CatCameBack #thelearningstation #learningstation #OctopusSong #kidssongs #ActionSongsForKids #PenguinSongs #FarmerInTheDell #BaaBaaBlackSheep #NurseryRhymes #kidssongs #childrenssongs #kidsongsbythelearningstation #songsbythelearningstation #thelearningstation #BrainBreaks #TheLearningStationSongs