Brain Breaks Skip-a-Dee-Doo Brain Breaks Song Action & Dance Kids Songs by The Learning Station


Brain Breaks Skip-a-Dee-Doo Brain Breaks Song Action & Dance Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, brain breaks, brain breaks for children, brain breaks for preschoolers, brain breaks for kids, action songs for children, the learning station songs, brain breaks action songs for children, brain breaks for kindergarten learning station, learning station, brain breaks dance songs, brain breaks in the classroom elementary, brain break songs, brain breaks skip a dee doo, brain breaks song, brain breaks by the learning station

Brain Breaks Skip-a-Dee-Doo (Brain Breaks Song) action and dancing song is ideal for brain breaks in the classroom. This popular kids action & dance song is sung by Don Monopoli of The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station). Brain Breaks Skip-a-Dee-Doo by The Learning Station is from the CD, Brain Boogie Boosters. Brain Boogie Booster CD Download: Boogie Boosters CD: by The Learning Station! Lyrics are included for early readers ESL and EFL programs. Baby SharkBrain Breaks Skip-a-Dee-Doo (Brain Breaks Song)From the CD, Brain Boogie Boosters by The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station) & Dr. Becky Bailey Monopoli/The Learning StationBrain breaks skip-a-dee-doo Ill skip in place and how about you? Brain breaks skip-a-dee-doo We can skip. Skip skip skip-a-dee-doo Lets skip in a circle. Its fun to do. Skip skip skip-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Try something new.Brain breaks jump-a-dee-doo Ill jump in place and how about you? Brain breaks jump-a-dee-doo We can jump. Jump jump jump-a-dee-doo Lets jump in a circle. Its fun to do.Jump jump jump-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Try something new.Breathe in. Breathe out. Brain breaks jog-a dee-doo Ill jog in place and how about you? Brain breaks jog-a-dee-doo We can jog. Jog jog jog-a-dee-doo Lets jog in a circle. Its fun to do. Jog jog jog-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Try something new.Brain breaks walk-a-dee-doo Ill walk in place and how about you? Brain breaks walk-a-dee-doo We can walk. Walk walk walk-a-dee-doo Lets walk in a circle. Its fun to do. Walk walk walk-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Try something new.Breathe in. Breathe out.Brain breaks swim-a-dee-doo Ill swim in place and how about you? Brain breaks swim-a-dee-doo We can swim. Swim swim swim-a-dee-doo Lets swim in a circle. Its fun to do. Swim swim swim-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Try something new.Brain breaks shake-a-dee-doo Lets shake in place and how about you? Brain breaks shake-a-dee-doo We can shake. Shake shake shake-a-dee-doo Lets shake in a circle. Its fun to do. Shake shake shake-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Try something new.Breathe in. Breathe out.Brain breaks stretch-a-dee-doo Ill stretch in place and how about you? Brain breaks stretch-a-dee-doo We can stretch. Stretch stretch stretch-a-dee-doo Lets stretch in a circle. Its fun to do. Stretch stretch stretch-a-dee-doo Now STOP! Theres nothing new. LIKE us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore: Then hover your mouse over the "Following" button & a screen will drop down. Click on "See first". Brain breaks kids songs for children illustrations and animation by Corbett Vanoni: STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: FREE STUFF Sign-up for our FREE newsletter: printable activities: catalog: Breaks Skip-a-Dee-Doo (Brain Breaks Song) is a great brain break, action song for children. It makes it easy and fun to take a quick energy brain break in the classroom. When children take a moment to sing, dance, move, and even laugh then they can return to their academics feeling happy, energized and renewed. More and more schools are realizing the significant values of brain breaks in the classroom. This brain breaks action song is perfect for the preschoolers, kindergarten and elementary children. #BrainBreaks #TheLearningStation #LearningStation #DonMonopoli #Skip-a-Dee-Doo #BrainBreaksSkipaDeeDoo #SkipaDeeDoo #NotificationSquad #kidsSongs #SongsForKids #BrainBreaksfortheClassroom #brainbreakssong #ActionSongsForKIds #DanceSongsForKids