Shabooya Brain Break Exercise Song for Kids Fitness Songs Kids by The Learning Station


Shabooya Brain Break Exercise Song for Kids Fitness Songs Kids by The Learning Station with tags shabooya, shabooya dance call, brain breaks, the learning station, brain break, brain breaks in the classroom, brain breaks for kindergarten, songs for kids, brain breaks for kids, exercise for kids, exercise songs, brain breaks for preschool, brain break exercise, brain break dance, funky monkey dance, tap dancing, bunny hop, chicken dance, moonwalk, shabooya roll call, shabooya by the learning station, songs by the learning station, action songs by the learning station

Shabooya is brain break, exercise song for kids. Dancing and fitness are two of the most fun ways to get kids to be active. With a call back of "Yeah" after doing the funky monkey, the twist, tap dancing, bunny hop, the swim, bunny hop and moonwalk, kids are totally engaged and getting exercise.


Shabooya by The Learning Station (Also known as Learning Station)

on Action! Fun! Dance!

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station


Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Let’s do the monkey. (YEAH!) The funky monkey. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Twist with your hips. (YEAH!) Sing with your lips. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Tap dancing feet. (YEAH!) Keep with the beat. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Let’s bunny hop. (YEAH!) It’s hard to stop. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Let’s do the swim. (YEAH!) Now dive right in. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Let’s chicken dance. (YEAH!) Cluck as you prance. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

The moonwalk’s fine. (YEAH!) Gliding in line. (YEAH!)

Let’s do it fast. (YEAH!) Dancing’s a blast! (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Let’s do the monkey. (YEAH!) The funky monkey. (YEAH!)

Twist with your hips. (YEAH!) Sing with your lips. (YEAH!)

Tap dancing feet. (YEAH!) Keep with the beat. (YEAH!)

Let’s bunny hop. (YEAH!) It’s hard to stop. (YEAH!)

Let’s do the swim. (YEAH!) Now dive right in. (YEAH!)

Let’s chicken dance. (YEAH!) Cluck while you prance. (YEAH!)

The moonwalk’s fine. (YEAH!) Gliding in line. (YEAH!)

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call!

Shabooya sha sha shabooya. Dance call! (repeat 5 times)




#shabooya #funkymonkey #thelearningstation #learningstation #thetwist #tapdancing #bunnyhop #chickendance #theswim #moonwalk

#kidssongs #childrenssongs #songsbythelearningstation #shabooyabythelearningstation
