Body Boogie Songs Brain Breaks Kids Action Songs Movin' and Groovin' to The Learning Station

Body Boogie Songs Brain Breaks Kids Action Songs Movin' and Groovin' to The Learning Station with tags brain breaks, the learning station, action songs for kids, brain breaks by the learning station, the learning station songs, brain breaks for kindergarten exercise, music for kids dance, learning station brain break
Body Boogie songs are great brain breaks and kids action songs! Start the morning with these 25 minutes plus, of movin' and groovin' tunes by The Learning Station.
Body Boogie Songs are ideal for preschoolers, kindergarten and lower elementary. These action song and make great brain breaks.
Get any of the songs you hear from the videos on various full CD Downloads, on CD or Single Song Downloads on our website here:
The Learning Station on Spotify here:
The Learning Station on Amazon Music here:
All songs are:
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)
Body Boogie Songs features:
00:07 Body Boogie
03:15 Get Funky
06:51 Jump Up, Bend Down
10:23 Happy Dance
14:05 Stomp To the Beat
16:26 Good Morning
18:53 Goodbye Song
21:20 Stir it Up
#BodyPartSongs #BodyBoogieSongs #SongsForKids #DancesForKids #actionsongs #BodyBoogie #GetFunky #JumpUpBendDown #HappyDance #StompToTheBeat #GoodMorning #GoodbyeSong
#StirItUp #brainbreaks #movementsongs #actionsongsforkids #actionsongsfortoddlers #preschoolsongs #kindergartensongs #thelearningstation #learningstation #kidssongs #childrensongs #songsforpreschoolers #GetFunkyandMusicalFun #ToddlerSongs #songsbythelearningstation