There Was a Crocodile + More Best Kids Songs 9 Best Kids Songs by The Learning Station


There Was a Crocodile + More Best Kids Songs 9 Best Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags the learning station, #1 best kids songs, brain break, there was a crocodile learning station, there was a crocodile, brain boogie boosters, wadlee atcha, brain boogie boosters learning station, brain breaks for kindergarten, monster shuffle, a turkey dance, animal action, the learning station songs

There was a Crocodile song, camp songs, brain breaks, action, dance & animal song (animal sounds) by Don Monopoli of The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station). There was a Crocodile is from the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! CD Download: Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! CD: Was a Crocodile Song for Kids by The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station)! These top 9 #1 Best Kids Songs for Children by The Learning Station include a collection of childrens favorite and popular kids songs featuring: There Was a Crocodile, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, Tarzan, Wild Things, Wadlee Atcha & more favorites & best kids songs!0:00 Intro0:09 There Was a Crocodile3:11 Goldilocks and the 3 Bears8:12 Tarzan10:50 Wild Things14:13 Letter G16:07 Way Down Yonder19:26 Stir it Up23:46 Wadlee Atcha26:21 Letter H28:16 Sparkle31:35 EndscreenThere was a Crocodile is a great brain break, action, camp, dance & animal song (animal sounds) for children. It makes it easy and fun to take a quick energy brain break in the classroom while learning about animals & animal sounds. This brain breaks, action, camp, dance song is perfect for the preschool, kindergarten & elementary children. Its ideal for your childrens theme on animals & animal sounds.There was a Crocodile (Animal action & sounds song for children) From the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move!by The Learning StationMonopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)Follow Don Monopoli and fill in the spaces with the animal names & with the animal sounds. There was a crocodile, an orangutan, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, an orangutan, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A boing, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A boing, a chomp, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A boing, a chomp, a toooot. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a crocodile, an orangutan, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naNa na na, na na na na na naEnjoy these brain breaks, action & dance videos for children from the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move!Penguin Song Animated: Song Live: Chili: Shuffle: Turkey Dance: Dance: am the Music Man: & animation for the song, There was a Crocodile by the renowned Corbett Vanoni: Monopoli and Sabrina Abu-Obeid of TeraBrite, Production/CamerasSTAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: FREE STUFF Sign-up for our FREE newsletter: Songs for Kids FREE Printable Activities: #brainbreaks #thelearningstation #learningStation #campsongs #actionsongs #NotificationSquad # WadleeAtcha #BrainBoogieBoosters #KidsSongs #MonsterShuffle #PenguinSong