There was a Crocodile - Action Songs for Kids - Brain Breaks - Camp & Animal Action Songs for Kids


There was a Crocodile - Action Songs for Kids - Brain Breaks - Camp & Animal Action Songs for Kids with tags there was a crocodile, crocodile song, brain breaks, brain break, brain breaks in the classroom, brain breaks for children, brain breaks kids, brain breaks dance, action, action songs for children, camp songs, camp songs for children, animal sounds, animal sounds song, animal songs for kids, animal songs, animal action, animal song for children, the learning station, brain breaks for preschoolers, camp songs for kids, kids songs, children’s music, dance songs kids

Popular childrens camp songs, brain breaks, action, dance and animal song (animal sounds), There was a Crocodile. From the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! CD Download: Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! CD: was a Crocodile is a great brain break, action, camp, dance and animal song (animal sounds) for children. It makes it easy and fun to take a quick energy brain break in the classroom while learning about animals and animal sounds. More and more schools are realizing the significant values of brain breaks, action songs in the classroom. This brain breaks, action, camp, dance song is perfect for the preschool, kindergarten and elementary children. Its ideal for your childrens theme on animals and animal sounds.There was a Crocodile (Animal action and sounds song for children) From the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move!by The Learning StationMonopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)Follow the actions and fill in the spaces where the animal names were with animal sounds. There was a crocodile, an orangutan, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, an orangutan, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A boing, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A boing, a chomp, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a chomp chomp, and a grunt grunt, and a caw caw, and a glub glub.A boing, a chomp, a toooot. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naThere was a crocodile, an orangutan, a flying eagle and a slippery fish.A bunny, a beaver, a crazy elephant. Na na na na na na, na na na na na naNa na na, na na na na na naEnjoy these brain breaks, action and dance videos for children from the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Lets Move! by The Learning Station: Penguin Song Animated: Song Live: Chili: Shuffle: Turkey Dance: Dance: am the Music Man: and animation by the renowned Corbett Vanoni: Monopoli and Sabrina Abu-Obeid of TeraBrite, Production/Cameras SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel today! NEW action, dance and learning videos for kids are uploaded every Thursday: LIKE us on Facebook and participate in FREE giveaways galore: Visit our website for musical learning fun, FREE stuff and much more! Visit our store! CDs, CD Downloads, DVDs, Tee shirts & more: IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: FREE STUFF Sign-up for our FREE newsletter: Songs for Kids FREE Printable Activities: