Aphid- The Bug That Poops Candy | Sap-Sucking Insects | Candy Pooping Bug | The Dr. Binocs Show

Aphid- The Bug That Poops Candy | Sap-Sucking Insects | Candy Pooping Bug | The Dr. Binocs Show with tags aphid insect, the bug that poops candy, insects, sap sucking insects, candy pooping bug, are aphids harmful, plant insects, bug that poops candy, insect, greenfly, blackfly, what is an aphid, how are aphids born while pregnant, aphids facts, learn about aphids, aphids information, story of aphids, candy poop, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz, plants sap, honeydew, epidermis layers, stinky insects, aphid stylet, aphid birth, amazing insects, greenfly insect, dr binocs, aphid
Aphids are small sap-sucking insects and members of the superfamily Aphidoidea. Plant sap has a low protein content but is rich in sugars. Aphids therefore need to extract large quantities of sap in order to get sufficient protein. As a consequence, the excess sugar is secreted in the form of honeydew, making the crop and its fruit sticky.
#aphids #candypoopingbug #candy #aphidspoop #peekabookidz #drbinocsshow
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