Jumping From Space to Earth | What if You Jump From The International Space Station? | Dr. Binocs


Jumping From Space to Earth | What if You Jump From The International Space Station? | Dr. Binocs with tags jumping from space to earth, international space station, iss, jumping from iss, what if you jump from the international space station, jumping from space, world record jump from space, dangerous stunts, alan eustace space jump, alan eustace stratosphere jump, karman line space, distance of iss from earth, falling from space to earth, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz, space jump, can we survive jumping from space, sky diving, spaqce jumping risks, world record stunts, space, jump

The ISS orbits Earth at an altitude of about 400 km (250 miles) and a speed of ~28,000 km/h (17,500 mph). Jumping from the International Space Station (ISS) isn’t like jumping off a building or even skydiving from the stratosphere—it’s way more extreme.

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