The Mummification Process | How Mummies Were Made? | How Egyptians Mummified Bodies? | Dr. Binocs

The Mummification Process | How Mummies Were Made? | How Egyptians Mummified Bodies? | Dr. Binocs with tags the mummification process, how mummies were made, how egyptians mummified bodies, mummification process, ancient egypt, mummy, how mummies were made in egypt, how bodies are mummified, how to become a mummy, the mummification process for kids, how mummies are preserved, story of mummy, ancient egypt mysteries, mummy mysteries, mummy preservation process, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz, mysteries of mummies in egypt, pyramids, ancient egyptian embalmer, mummifiers, mummies, mystery
Mummification was practiced throughout most of early Egyptian history. The mummification process took seventy days. Special priests worked as embalmers, treating and wrapping the body. Beyond knowing the correct rituals and prayers to be performed at various stages, the priests also needed a detailed knowledge of human anatomy.
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