Is Your Gut Healthy? 💩What do Unhealthy Stools Look Like? | Healthy Body Signs | Dr Binocs Show


Is Your Gut Healthy? 💩What do Unhealthy Stools Look Like? | Healthy Body Signs | Dr Binocs Show with tags natural remedies, poop health, what your poop says about your health, what does unhealthy poop look like, poop color meaning, why is my poop green, stool test, stool test examination, poop says about health, things poop says about health, what poop says about you, what poop colour says about health, how to test body at home, what poop colour means, constipation problem, diarrhoea problem solution, poop health connection, stool health connection, dr binocs show, peekaboo kidz

Everybody poops, but nobody really talks about it. But while putting a lid on all potty talk may keep conversations civilized, it may mean we’re missing out on valuable clues to our health.

Your poop can tell you if you’re eating enough fiber and drinking enough water, or if your digestive system is processing food too slowly or too quickly. Also, lasting changes in your bowel habits or the appearance of your poop can be a sign of a medical condition that requires treatment.

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