Dangerous Rodent | What if Rat Bite? | Rat Bite Fever Symptoms & Prevention | The Dr. Binocs Show


Dangerous Rodent | What if Rat Bite? | Rat Bite Fever Symptoms & Prevention | The Dr. Binocs Show with tags dangerous rodent, what if rat bites you, rat bite fever symptoms, rat bite fever, dr binocs show, rbf, what to do when rat bites, what will happen if rat bites you, bitten by mouse, what if a mouse bites you, what happens if a mouse bites you, rat bite fever treatment, pet rat bite, peekaboo kidz, deadliest rat, rat, how do rats bite, rat bite treatment home remedies, rat bite symptoms in humans, all about rats, learn about rats, streptobacillus moniliformis, spirillum minus

While rats are generally more afraid of you than you are of them, you can never be sure how a wild animal will act. Even pet rats can bite if they are frightened and can harbor the same kinds of bacteria in their mouths as wild rodents. A rat bite can be dangerous if it develops into a bacterial infection called rat-bite fever. If you are bitten by a rat, take it seriously and treat it right away.

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