What if We Could Travel at the Speed of Light? | Travelling Faster than Light | The Dr. Binocs Show

What if We Could Travel at the Speed of Light? | Travelling Faster than Light | The Dr. Binocs Show with tags what if we could travel at the speed of light, speed of light, what if you could move at the speed of light, einstein, what if you travel at the speed of light, speed of light travel, beat the light speed, what would we see at the speed of light, physics, space-time, special relativity, albert einstein, what is space time, speed in space, light speed, light speed in space, faster than light, speed comparison space, speed comparison space engine, light speed comparison, dr binocs
Einstein's theory of special relativity shows that as an object with mass gets closer to the speed of light, the mass starts to increase as it nears the speed of light, Pravica said. If an object could reach the speed of light, it would become infinitely massive and would require infinite energy to maintain that speed.
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