Story of Ramayana | Why is Diwali called the Festival of Light? | Diwali Mythology | The Dr. Binocs


Story of Ramayana | Why is Diwali called the Festival of Light? | Diwali Mythology | The Dr. Binocs with tags what is diwali, ramayana story, diwali the festival of light, story of ramayana, diwali special mythological story, diwali mythology, why is diwali celebrated, why diwali is celebrated, why we celebrate diwali, happy diwali, ramayan episode 1, history of diwali, story of lord rama and sita, story of diwali, ramayan, indian mythology, indian mythology videos, ram and ravan, a brief history of diwali, ramayana, ramayan animated, ramayan cartoon, peekaboo kidz, dr binocs show

Diwali is a major religious festival that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. It is associated with several deities and religious events, including the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom after defeating the demon king Ravana.

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