Is Eating Chocolate Dangerous for Dogs and Cats? | Why Can't Dogs & Cats Eat Chocolate? | Dr. Binocs

Is Eating Chocolate Dangerous for Dogs and Cats? | Why Can't Dogs & Cats Eat Chocolate? | Dr. Binocs with tags how much chocolate is toxic for a dog, what happens if cats and dogs eat chocolate, why cats and dogs can't eat chocolate, why can't dogs eat chocolates, dogs, chocolate, chocolates, why cant dogs have chocolate, why dogs should not eat chocolate, why dogs can't eat chocolate, will chocolate kill your dog, will chocolate kill your cat, why chocolate is toxic for cats, why chocolate is toxic for dogs, peekaboo kidz, dr binocs show, pet facts, keep your pets safe, cat, strangest facts
Chocolate is just as bad for cats as it is for dogs. Chocolate contains small amounts of caffeine and larger amounts of a related compound, theobromine. These compounds, known as methylxanthines, make chocolate a delicious treat for people, but dangerous for dogs and cats.
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