A dead raccoon gave me fleas 🤦🏼‍♀️ || Ask Emily 2023


A dead raccoon gave me fleas 🤦🏼‍♀️ || Ask Emily 2023 with tags science, biology (field of study), museums, animals, natural history, documentary, the brain scoop, brain scoop, emily graslie, hank green, chicago (city/town/village), nature, emilie graslie, emily grasslie, emily grassley, emilie grassley, brian scoop

It's been a long 3 years but I'm so happy to be back!!

Got funding for a video? thebrainscoop(@)gmail.com Subject: REBOOT IDEA

What happened to Emily Graslie? tends to be one of the most googled search query with my name, so, here you go!!

Sandhill crane images: © Frank Schulenburg / CC BY-SA 4.0