Misfits of the Mineral Collection

Misfits of the Mineral Collection with tags lapidary, lapidary art, mystery, mysterious gems, mysterious minerals, gems, geology, geology collection, gem collection, jewel, jewels, jeweled casket, field museum, chicago field museum, chicago gem collection, emily graslie, brain scoop, brain scoop field museum, field museum of natural history, gemology, mineral collection, emily brain scoop, natural history, museum collection, unboxing, unboxing gems, unboxing mysteries
Help us solve some mysteries! Do you have any more information about these Misfits from the Mineral Collection?! A number of these objects have historical or cultural value and significance, but our records are incomplete. Help us, Brain Scoopers! ---------------------------------------------------------------------Come hang out in our Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/thebrainscoop/Instagram.com/egraslieTwitters: @ehmeeFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/thebrainscoopTumblr: thebrainscoop.tumblr.comWe have a Newsletter! Sign up for updates!: http://bit.ly/2oYTY6p---------------------------------------------------------------------Executive Producer, Creator, Host:Emily GraslieProducer, Director, Editor:Sheheryar AhsanProduction Assistant, Content Developer, Writer: Raven Forrest Interview With: Jim Holstein --------------------------------------------------------------------This episode is filmed on location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.http://www.fieldmuseum.org