Why were Ancient Egyptians obsessed with cats?


Why were Ancient Egyptians obsessed with cats? with tags emily graslie, emilie graslie, emily grassley, emilie grassley, emily field museum, brain scoop, brian scoop, the brian scoop, ancient egypt, anchent egypt, ancient egipt

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I knew Ancient Egyptians loved their cats, but until I visited an archaeology museum - the Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures - I wasn't entirely sure why. Turns out the reason is a bit more morbid than I initially thought 💀

In this video we learn about the Egyptian Goddesses Sekhmet and Bastet - Gods Ra, Osiris and Horus - and the significance of raising and sacrificing tens of thousands of cats to honor them.


Creator, Writer, Host, Addt'l Camera: Emily Graslie

Camera: Brandon Brungard

Editor, Gfx + Sfx: Sheheryar Ahsan

Production Consultant: Carolyn Yao

Production Assistant: Kate Hodge

Addt'l Gfx: Georgina Gutierrez

Special thanks:


Marc Maillot, PhD

Emily Teeter, PhD

Matthew Welton


The Brain Scoop is a registered trademark of the Field Museum. Used with permission.