The Joy of Cooking (with Bugs!)

The Joy of Cooking (with Bugs!) with tags joy of cooking, entomophagy, eating insects, eating bugs, insects as food, thanksgiving ideas, joy of cooking with bugs, eat insects, are insects good for you, can you eat insects, field museum, chicago field museum, brain scoop, emily brain scoop, its okay to be smart, joe hanson, thanksgiving dish ideas, scorpion, cricket, cricket flour, mealworms, eat mealworms
Add some healthy, sustainable CRUNCH to your diet by incorporating more insects into your meals! Many are packed with nutrients, and are already enjoyed by billions around the world. Bon apptit!Learn more about the Field Museum's partnership with Journeyman Distillery, in honor of the Museum's 125-year anniversary: And be sure to check out Joe Hanson's video over at It's Okay To Be Smart! hang out in our Subreddit: @ehmeeFacebook: have a Newsletter! Sign up for updates!: Producer, Creator, Host:Emily GraslieProducer, Director, Editor:Sheheryar AhsanProduction Assistant, Content Developer, Writer: Raven Forrest Cooking Demo: Chef Mike Schulte Drink Demo:Luz Barcenas Special Thanks:Brian RathbunMegan WilliamsProduction Support/Stuntman: Vincius Penteado--------------------------------------------------------------------This episode is filmed on location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.