Ghost Lineages

Ghost Lineages with tags ghost lineage, coelacanth, lazarus taxon, paleontology, field museum, geology, geology collection, chicago field museum, emily graslie, brain scoop, brain scoop field museum, field museum of natural history, emily brain scoop, natural history, mammalogy, fossils, fossil, ghost lineages, dinosaur, dinosaur bone
Dr. Brandon Peecook thought he had made a major paleontological discovery that was going to alter decades of prior research in the field. Then, right before he was about to present his findings, he got a phone call that changed everything.This episode is funded in part by the National Science Foundation! Check out the other episodes in this series: hang out in our Subreddit: @ehmeeFacebook: thebrainscoop.tumblr.comWe have a Newsletter! Sign up for updates!: Producer, Creator, Host:Emily GraslieProducer, Director, Editor:Sheheryar AhsanProduction Assistant, Content Developer, Writer: Raven Forrest Interview With: Dr. Brandon Peecook'Junk yard' animation by:Mark Olsen--------------------------------------------------------------------This episode is filmed on location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.http://www.fieldmuseum.orgAdditional support for the episode is provided by:The National Science Foundation: Grants NSF EAR-1524938 and EAR-1524523(