What should museums do with their dead? (w/ Caitlin Doughty!)

What should museums do with their dead? (w/ Caitlin Doughty!) with tags caitlin doughty, ask a mortician, human remains, mummies, egyptian mummies, nagpra, field museum, natural history, brain scoop, emily graslie, caitlin ask a mortician, repatriation, human remains repatriation, human remains in museums, bodies in museum, human bodies in museums, body worlds, can i donate my body to science, can i donate my body to a museum, body farm
Many museums house significant numbers of human remains, many of which were acquired without the consent of the individual in question. So, our good friend Caitlin from Ask a Mortician stopped by the Field Museum to talk with us about it. This is a humongous and complicated topic - we'd love to know what you think! Caitlin's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/OrderoftheGoodDeathWebsite: http://caitlindoughty.com/Read her books they're AWESOME: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7802044.Caitlin_DoughtyInfo on NAGPRA: https://www.nps.gov/subjects/nagpra/index.htmHere's the paper from Science about the person from Spirit Cave and the genetic testing of that individual: https://science.sciencemag.org/content/362/6419/eaav2621 Mummy unwrapping parties: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/victorian-party-people-unrolled-mummies-for-funOrigins of Exhibited Cadavers Questioned:https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5637687More on Grover Krantz, Sasquatch scientist and expert on human evolution: https://www.seattlepi.com/news/article/A-student-of-Sasquatch-Prof-Grover-Krantz-dies-1080702.php ---------------------------------------------------------------------Come hang out in our Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/thebrainscoop/Instagram.com/egraslieTwitters: @ehmeeFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/thebrainscoopWe have a Newsletter! Sign up for updates!: http://bit.ly/2oYTY6p---------------------------------------------------------------------Executive Producer, Creator, Host:Emily GraslieProducer, Director, Editor:Sheheryar AhsanProduction Assistant, Content Developer: Raven Forrest Interview with:Caitlin Doughty Production Support/Stuntman: Vincius Penteado--------------------------------------------------------------------This episode is filmed on location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.http://www.fieldmuseum.org