The MUSHROOM HUNT! [#TeamTrees]

The MUSHROOM HUNT! [#TeamTrees] with tags teamtrees, team trees, mushrooms, fungus, fungi, humongous fungus, magic mushrooms, forest preserve, forest preserves, hyphae, brain scoop, mushroom, mushroom foray, how to find mushrooms, are mushrooms deadly, can you eat mushrooms you find in the forest, chicago field museum, field museum
Head on over to to help plant some trees! $1 = 1 tree planted by the Arbor Day Foundation. GO TEAM TREES Mushrooms are rad. We went to the local Forest Preserve to find some. A fun time was had by all---------------------------------------------------------------------Come hang out in our Subreddit: @ehmeeFacebook: have a Newsletter! Sign up for updates!: Producer, Creator, Host:Emily GraslieProducer, Director, Editor:Sheheryar AhsanProduction Assistant, Content Developer, Writer: Raven Forrest Interview with:Dr. Patrick LeacockIllustration by: Isabel GriffinProduction Support:Vincius Penteado--------------------------------------------------------------------This episode is filmed on location at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.