#TeamTrees Hug a Tree United We Can Plant 20 Million Trees Trees by The Learning Station

#TeamTrees Hug a Tree United We Can Plant 20 Million Trees Trees by The Learning Station with tags 20 million trees, mark rober, team trees, planting 20 million trees mrbeast, planting trees, teamtrees mr beast, #teamtrees mrbeast, 20 million trees mrbeast, team trees mr beast, #teamtrees mr beast, team trees arbor day foundation, 1 tree 1 dollar, team trees 20 million, 20 million, #team trees, mrbeast, planting trees, hug a tree, arbor day foundation, the learning station, teamtrees mark rober, team tree, mr beast, plant trees
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPJKxAhLw5I#TeamTrees: HELP US (and MrBeast) ACHIEVE THE GOAL OF PLANTING 20,000,000 TREES! PLEASE DONATE! - https://teamtrees.org/ #teamtrees A $1.00 donation to plant a tree can make a huge difference. United we can plant 20 million trees! 1 tree 1 dollar!Hug A Tree us available for single song download: https://www.learningstationmusic.com/product/hug-a-tree/ Special thanks to MrBeast (Mark Rober) for raising awareness to the many values of planting trees! Also, the Arbor Day foundation and all of the kind people who planted a tree or donated to plant a tree. The Learning Station is honored to be part of this campaign with our song titled, Hug a Tree. Save our planet from climate change!Hug a Treeby The Learning Station (Also, known as Learning Station)Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.) STAY IN TOUCH WITH US Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LearningStationMusicTwitter: https://twitter.com/LearningStationPinterest: http://pinterest.com/kidssong/Blog: http://www.learningstationmusic.com/blog/Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Learningstationmusic#TeamTrees #MrBeast #PlantingTrees #HugATree #ArborDay #ArborDayFoundation #PlantATree #Trees