Kinds of Trees (Apple Tree, Palm, Christmas Tree & Birch) | D Billions Kids Songs


Kinds of Trees (Apple Tree, Palm, Christmas Tree & Birch) | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, kinds of trees (apple tree palm christmas tree & birch) | d billions kids songs, kinds of trees, apple, apple tree, palm christmas tree, birch, tree, tree song, tree song for kindergarten, education for kindergarten, learning videos, learning videos for toddlers, for kids, videos for kids, kids videos for kids, educational videos for kids, children songs, baby songs


Hi Cha-Сha, hi Cha-Сha. How are you?

Guess what kind of a tree I am?


Hi Chicky, hi Chicky. How are you?

Guess what kind of a tree I am?


Hi Boom-Boom, hi Boom-Boom. How are you?

Guess what kind of a tree I am?


Hi Lya-Lya, hi Lya-Lya. How are you?

Guess, what kind of a tree I am?


#DBillions #kindsoftrees #forkids

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