Jingle Rascal's Way! Deck the Halls | D Billions Kids Songs

Jingle Rascal's Way! Deck the Halls | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, jingle rascal's way! deck the halls d billions kids songs, jingle rascal's way! deck the halls, jingle, jingle bells, jingle bell, jingle bells song, christmas songs, deck the halls, jingle rascal's way, way, jingle songs for christmas, kids christmas songs, christmas song, christmas tree, christmas tree song, d billions christmas song, d billions christmas tree, db, for kids
Christmas is almost here, and even the rascal wants to feel the holiday cheer, so he is determined to decorate the house. Join the fun and help the rascal pick the perfect Christmas tree and decorations. And guess who's bringing the Christmas presents?
Let's make the house merry and bright together.
Stay tuned!
Christmas time!
It's Christmas time,
And I feel so happy,
I'm starting to believe in magic.
It's Christmas time,
And I feel so happy,
Even snow today feels so fluffy.
- Ho-Ho-Ho! Merry Christmas!
#DBillions #merrychristmas #jinglebells #jingle #rascals
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