Diana and Roma are preparing for Christmas | Collection of the Best Pre-Christmas Stories


Diana and Roma are preparing for Christmas | Collection of the Best Pre-Christmas Stories with tags diana and roma, roma and diana, diana, diana roma, diana y roma, diana and roma english, diana and roma en, reparing for christmas, reparing for christmas, preparing for christmas, christmas, christmas decorating, christmas decorate with me 2023, decorating for christmas, decorate with me, christmas decor 2023, diana and friends, stories in english

Get in the Christmas Spirit with Diana and Roma: Best Pre-Christmas Stories

00:00 Diana and Roma decorate the Christmas tree with Friends

06:41 Diana and Roma open the Christmas Advent Calendar

15:45 Diana and Roma help mom decorate the Christmas tree

25:22 Diana helps Santa deliver Christmas presents

31:08 Baby brother - Christmas gift for Diana

34:39 Diana and Dad make a house for the Gingerbread man

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