384 - Top 10 Circle Games for Kids


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Instagram ID: muxiesl


Game #10

Circle Move

Have them all sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher is in the middle with a bell (or anything similar). Practice a sentence on anything you teach. And when you ring the bell. Every student will quickly move to the right-side chair. The teacher pretends to grab a chair.

started slowly once they are comfortable then you can gradually make it faster.

Game # 09

Tip tap speak

Have them all sit in a circle facing outside the circle. Split the sentence, and a student taps each student (or just points) and says a word. Like “chicks_come_from_eggs” | I_like_apples”. Etc

The last student who has been tapped will stand up and get a turn. The teacher should adjust accordingly so that everyone can get a turn.

Game # 08

One word Game

This is a game similar to 09, but every student needs to say one word from a sentence. Keep practicing new words using a similar sentence. Once they are familiar with the words and sentences, you can let each student say a whole sentence. To make it more interesting. They shouldn’t repeat the word used by the previous student.

Game # 07

Number Buzz

Have them all sitting in a circle. Choose one number let’s say 17. They will start counting, and each student will say a number. The person who says 17, everyone will gather around and will keep buzzing like a bee.

keep changing numbers.

This game is for math/number/ counting lessons. You can also play just for fun.

Game # 06

Duck Duck Goose

Have all the kids sit in a circle, clapping and chanting the sentence structure. Once a student, has a beanbag, walks around the circle, and after one round, drops the beanbag behind someone's back. Now the chase is on! (The larger the circle, the farther players will end up running.)

Game # 05

Cup cup pass

The game begins with each child having a paper cup and a flashcard sitting in a circle.

tapping the cups on the floor and chanting sentences like; Who is he/Who is she?

Gradually getting faster and then stop. Now the teacher calls out and the student having that card will use it in a sentence and put the cup on the card. In the next round, the teacher calls out a word the students make a sentence and pick up the cups one by one.

Game # 04

This game is similar to game #10 but this one is for slightly bigger kids and here the students need to answer the question and the local teacher rings the bell.

Game # 03

Cat in the middle

Have them all sitting in a circle. Each child has a paper cup on a flashcard. The students clap and ask a question, like; What do you want/see/like? The teacher in the middle says a structure and whoever is having that word, will quickly grab his cup from the flashcard, or else the (teacher) cat will grab it.

Game # 02

Print out the words/pictures and stick them inside the paper cups. Have them all sit in a circle. Having random cups.

Tap the cups on the floor and say the sentence.

two times tap and in the last turn pass the cup to the one on your right side. Give them time to understand. And then gradually faster. The teacher will ask a question like; Pizza. The one having the pizza picture in his cup will ask the teacher “Is this your pizza?” and the teacher will respond accordingly.

Game # 01

Foam Finger

Have the students in a circle, give one flashcard to each. The teacher having a foam finger, or toy hammer, goes around the circle, kids ask a question or just say the sentence you are teaching, find the card called out by a student, and hits the floor behind the teacher if they are unable to call out another word. To make it lively, make it faster.

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Email: muxi@muxiesl.com


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