Tambourines ♫ Kid's Musical Instruments ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station

Tambourines ♫ Kid's Musical Instruments ♫ Kids Songs by The Learning Station with tags tambourine, kids musical instruments
Tambourines are one of kid's favorite musical instruments. Everyone can play them. Shake and tap them and you're making rhythmic music!
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by The Learning Station
℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Tambourines are instruments.
Tambourines make fun events.
Tambourines make rhythm fun.
Tambourines are for everyone.
We've got a tambourine and it's the best.
Jingle jangle is what it says.
A tap will make it start to sing
Or shake, shake, shake, go the round metal rings.
One and two and three and four
With tambourines there's fun in store.
Now, tap, tap, tap and shake, shake, shake.
It's amazing all the sound it makes.
Tambourines, shake, shake, shake.
Tambourines, tap, tap, tap.
Keep the beat at any rate.
Now, tambourines take a nap.
Tambourinors, that's our name.
We have a band, we're all the same.
We play together, and keep in time.
Us Tamborinors start to chime.
One and two and three and four
With tambourines there's fun in store.
Now, tap, tap, tap and shake, shake, shake.
It's amazing all the sound it makes.
Tambourines, shake, shake, shake.
Tambourines, tap, tap, tap.
Keep the beat at any rate.
Now, tambourines take a nap.
Google+: google.com/+Learningstationmusic
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