Lesson 11: How to incorporate visuals into your presentation (or not)

Lesson 11: How to incorporate visuals into your presentation (or not)
Master the skills of TED speakers with TED’s official public speaking course. This course will teach you how to identify, develop and share your best ideas with the world.
Lesson 11 Learning Goals: Learn how to (and how not to) use visuals to enhance your final talk.
What You Will Learn:
In this lesson, you'll learn how to (and how not to) use visuals to enhance your presentation.
You will get the most out of this lesson if you already have a clear outline or script for your talk. We also recommend completing two other lessons within this section before attempting this lesson. Remember, you can take the lessons in this section of the course in any order. Try to progress in the order that fits the needs of your talk, and that takes into account any pre-existing presentation skills you've acquired.
Questions You’ll Answer After the Video:
If you already have visuals in mind, how do you envision each enhancing (and not detracting from) your presentation?