What would happen if the Amazon Rainforest disappeared? - Anna Rothschild


What would happen if the Amazon Rainforest disappeared? - Anna Rothschild with tags amazon, amazon rainforest, rainforest, amazon resources, river dolphins, amazon river dolphin, amazon deforestation, lungs of the planet, earths lungs, photosynthesis, transpiration, water, rainwater, rain clouds, air quality, air circulation, wildfires, drought, rainfall, sierra nevadas, amazon water cycle, carbon sink, carbon sequester, habitat loss, agriculture, deforestation, education, animation, anna rothschild, upamanyu bhattacharyya, otter studios, ted, ted-ed, teded, ted education

Explore the relationship between the Amazon rainforest and the rest of the planet, and what would happen if it disappeared.


As of 2022, humans have deforested 17% of the Amazon, and scientists warn that we may be approaching a tipping point. It’s like removing bricks from a house: take a few and the house remains standing; remove too many and the whole thing will collapse. So, what would happen if the entire Amazon disappeared? Anna Rothschild explores the relationship between this ecosystem and the rest of the planet.

Lesson by Anna Rothschild, directed by Upamanyu Bhattacharyya, Otter Studios.

This video made possible in collaboration with Speed & Scale

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