Would you sell your kidney for $100,000?

Would you sell your kidney for $100,000? with tags ada, ada series, ada ep 2, organs, kidney, kidney donation, kidney donor, organ selling, organ donation, dialysis, kidney transplant, organ transplant, selling organs, surrogate, transplantation, healthcare, body parts, human body, health, health care, ethics, ethical dilemma, morals, donation pairing, organ pairing, kidney registry, donor registry, education, animation, thought experiment, elizabeth cox, kirill yeretsky, should we studio, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Ada imagines how society would change if governments paid living organ donors. Should we receive compensation for our organs?
This is episode 2 of the animated series, “Ada.” This 5-episode narrative follows the young library assistant Ada as she juggles two worlds: her daily mundane reality and the future she vividly imagines for all humanity. Traveling through her visions of potential futures, Ada grapples with the ethical and social implications of new technologies and how they could shape the world.
Written by Elizabeth Cox, directed by Elizabeth Cox & Kirill Yeretsky.
This video was produced by Should We Studio.
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