Amazing Facts About The New Year #HappyNewYear 2021


Amazing Facts About The New Year #HappyNewYear 2021 with tags new year video for kids, new year story for kids, new year story in english, happy new year story, how months get their names, how did september get its name, meaning of months from january to december, how did the word month get its name, why is january named january, unique new year celebrations around the world, new year greetings, happy new year, happy new year wishes, new year wish 2020, happy new year, happy new year 2021, happy new year 2021 video

This video is full of amazing facts about the New Year, starting from the start of 1st January as the New Year's Day, to the stories behind the names of the month.

People didn’t always celebrate the new year on 1st of January. Mesopotamians and many other ancient civilizations celebrated new year around 20th March.

The earlier Roman Calendar or the Romulus Calendar followed the lunar calendar and had 10 months in the year, starting from the present time month of March to December.

The history of 1st January as the start of New Year dates back to the Roman Dictator Julius Ceaser. Ceaser upon suggestions of Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, designed a solar calendar to follow.

The year was calculated to have 365 and ¼ days but the solar calendar still had some flaws, so as Julius Ceaser died, the celebrations of New Year’s Day on 1st January fell out of practice.

Later, in the 1570s, Pope Gregory XIII came up with a new calendar with the help of the astronomer Christopher Clavius. The Gregorian Calendar as it was called, was implemented in 1582, with the rule that that only one of every four centennial years should be a leap year. And since then January 1st was celebrated as New Year’s Day.

Now comes, another interesting part, can you name the months of the year, I am sure you can, but do you know how were these named, yes, each of these months has its own story, so let's begin

January- The first month is named after Roman god Janus, the lord of gates and doorways, and associated with new beginnings.

February- Comes from the Latin word 'februare' which means 'to expiate' or 'purify'. The month takes its name from the Roman festival of purification called Februa , during which people were ritually washed.


March comes from the name of the Roman god of war-Mars. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Mars was so named because several festivals were carried out in that month in the honour of the war god. March was originally the starting month of the Roman calendar-the time to resume war.

April- It is said that the month of April was sacred to Venus and her festival fell on the first day of the month. The original Latin name of April-'Aprilis' is derived from Aphrodite, the Greek name for Venus

May- This month got its name from Maia, the earth goddess and a nurturer, according to Greek mythology. Maia means "the great one".

June- June, got its name from the Roman goddess Juno, the wife of Jupite. She was the goddess of marriage and childbirth.

July- July was named in honour of Julius Caesar. When Julius Caesar died, Quintilis, which was his birth month, was renamed July.

August- The month of August was originally named Sextilis in Latin since it was the sixth month in the ancient Roman calendar. The name of the month was changed to August in honor of Augustus Caesar in 8 BCE.

September- The month's name comes from Latin 'septem', meaning 'seven'. In the original 10-month ancient Roman calendar, September came at the seventh position.

October- The Latin word for eight 'octo' is the origin of the name of October, the eight month in the ancient Roman calendar.


The name 'November' comes from the Latin word 'novem', meaning 'nine' - a reference to its ninth position in the ancient Roman calendar.


December gets its name from Latin word 'decem' or 'ten' as it used to be the tenth month in the ancient Roman calendar.

Now let’s talk of the strange and interesting ways of celebrating New Year in different countries of the world.

Edinburgh – New Year’s Eve is actually a celebration of three days in Edinburg, the capital of Scotland. On December 30, 8,000 revellers holding torches create a "river of fire" which is accompanied by drums and pipers.

Its Grapes Grapes Grapes, in Spain.

The twelve grapes of luck" is a Spanish tradition that consists of eating a grape with each clock bell strike at midnight of 31st December to welcome the New Year.

Smashing Plates in Denmark

in Denmark, people hold on to chipped dishes and glasses all year just for New Year's Eve. That night, they go around to the homes of friends and family and smash them against their front doors. The more shards you have on your doorstep the next morning, the more popular you are.

Jumping Seven Waves in Brazil

In the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, it is believed that, jumping seven waves will bring good luck in the coming year.

Feasting Seven, Nine, or 12 Times in Estonia-New Years Eve is all about indulgence in the capital city of Tallinn, in Estonia. Having 7, 9 or 12 meals on the New Year’s Eve is considered the luckiest as it is believed that you would have the strength of that many men in the New Year.

Ringing Bells 108 Times in Japan- In Japan, New Year's Eve is celebrated by ringing bells, 108 times in Buddhist temples. This is thought to dispel negative emotions.